קטגוריות: Smoking in a public place

Elevators and bomb shelters

Created at: 13/01/2025

Smoking is prohibited in elevators designed for carrying people. This also applies to public shelters as defined in Section 11 of the Civil Defence Law, 1951. For elevators in residential buildings, enforcement is the responsibility of the manufacturer or importer before the elevator is put into service.

Cultural halls, discussions, and lectures.

Created at: 13/01/2025

This venue is regularly used for the following purposes: cinema, theatre, performances, concerts, opera, dance, discussions, lectures, meetings, and readings. This includes corridors and colonnades. A separate smoking room may be permitted, provided its area does not exceed 25% of the area allocated for public waiting during intermissions. This room must have adequate ventilation and […]

Vehicles and Parking Facilities

Created at: 13/01/2025

Smoking is prohibited on buses, minibuses, taxis (when occupied), trains, covered bus stops, central bus stations (except in designated smoking areas), train stations and platforms (except in designated smoking areas at the platform edge), and in motor vehicles. Smoking is prohibited in covered or underground public parking areas within 10 meters of the entrance or […]

Locations with gatherings exceeding fifty individuals.

Created at: 13/01/2025

Smoking is prohibited in any outdoor area where an organized gathering of more than 50 people is taking place. This prohibition extends to a 10-meter radius from the entrance and exit of the area, and in the immediate vicinity of the event. This regulation does not apply to residential courtyards.

Physical exercise and sporting activities

Created at: 13/01/2025

Areas designated for physical activity or sports (including swimming pools), including sports fields, are smoke-free. This prohibition includes sports stadiums, except for areas designated for smoking by stadium management that meet the following conditions: separated seating areas comprising less than 25% of the total stadium seating; or – a completely separate room whose area is […]

Public Authority Offices and Courtyards

Created at: 13/01/2025

Government ministries and offices (including subordinate units); courts; local authorities; religious councils. This prohibition does not apply to designated smoking areas at least 10 meters from any entrance or exit.

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