קטגוריות: Small Claims

Who may file a small claims action?

Created at: 13/01/2025

Only private individuals (not corporations) may file a small claims action (e.g., a sole proprietor may, but a limited company may not). However, should a corporation be sued in a small claims court, it may file a counterclaim in the same court, up to the jurisdictional limit (ILS 38,900, current as of January 2023).

What documents are required to file a small claims action?

Created at: 13/01/2025

To initiate a small claims action, the plaintiff must submit a statement of claim. This statement must include all relevant and material facts to support the claim, along with any supporting documentation.

How is the filing fee calculated for a claim seeking a court order for the return, replacement, repair, or cancellation of a transaction?

Created at: 13/01/2025

The initiation fee for a small claims lawsuit will be determined by the value of the product or transaction. However, cases where a small claims lawsuit is filed without a claim for monetary compensation (such as for distress) are rare.

Is it possible to appeal a judgment of the Small Claims Court?

Created at: 13/01/2025

There is no automatic right of appeal against a Small Claims Court judgment. However, an application for leave to appeal may be submitted to the District Court of the relevant jurisdiction within 15 days.

How many judges will preside over my case?

Created at: 13/01/2025

A single judge will preside over the case, assigned at the court’s discretion (not at the parties’ choosing).

How is a small claims lawsuit filed?

Created at: 13/01/2025

How to File a Small Claims Suit: Several Options: Online through the Net Court website after connecting to the government identification system. By submitting a physical copy of the claim and its attachments (if any) to the Small Claims Court registry where you wish to file the claim (this can be done in person or […]

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