
Section 2 of the Act requires “publication of the defamation,” meaning the dissemination of the defamatory statement.

This does not mean that every expression must be broadcast on news or displayed on billboards. An expression will be considered published if the defamation was disseminated in circumstances where another person received it.

Defamation originates in Jewish law. The prohibition against defamation is one of the “negative commandments” among the 613 commandments of Jewish law.

The basis for this is found in Leviticus (Chapter 19, Verse 16) in the phrase – “You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people.” Defamation can be claimed in small claims court; however, some cases exceed the jurisdictional limits of small claims court.

יש לנו את זה?

דינו מביא בשורה בתחום התביעות הקטנות בישראל! שברנו את מחירי השוק, ואנחנו חוסכים ללקוחות שלנו המון זמן וכאב ראש.
עם דינו, אין תביעה קטנה מידי.

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