Filing Cases, Creditor Services, Debtor Services, Enforcement Warehouses, Forms, Collection.
Often, defendants against whom a judgment has been rendered are slow to act upon it. Time passes, interest accrues, yet the claimant’s bank account remains unchanged. Claimants frequently become lost in bureaucratic processes, unsure of how to proceed in recovering their funds. This article will also cover the subject of enforcement proceedings.
Generally, the court specifies in its judgment the time allowed for the defendant to make payment; usually within 30 days (from the date of judgment or from the date of service of the judgment on the defendant). If the court does not specify a period in the judgment, the payment is due immediately, i.e., upon issuance of the judgment. Therefore, upon receipt of the judgment, the claimant should send a demand for payment to the defendant along with a copy of the judgment.
The enforcement system operates under the law to enforce judgments – mortgages, court decisions, debts, and more. The judgment creditor may utilize several enforcement measures available through the enforcement authorities.
I Won a Small Claims Case and the Defendant Didn’t Pay. What Now?