How are court fees paid?

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How are court fees paid? Payment may be made in one of the following ways:

  1. If the claim was filed via the Net-Mishpat website, payment can be made using a credit card (a prepaid credit card from the Post Office is considered a credit card for all intents and purposes).
  2. In cash, using a voucher issued and payable via the following entities: 1. Post Office; 2. “Menta” branches (convenience stores of the Delek Group); 3. Ben Gurion Airport. According to Court Administration Procedure No. 02-5-11, for payment via voucher, identification (ID card/driver’s license/passport) is required. If a third party wishes to make payment on behalf of the claimant (e.g., I want to pay for a claim filed by my wife), the third party (in this example, the husband) must go to the post office with his and the claimant’s identification.
  3. Payment by bank check: According to the instructions of the Judicial Authority, the court registry accepts checks only from lawyers, banks, and insurance companies. However, the registry accepts bank checks submitted by private individuals.

For further information, please visit the Judicial Authority’s information page regarding charges and payments.

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